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Organized by cheryl logo blue.png

When organization, function, and style combine you get a beautiful home with room to live!




-Is there a space in your home that you've been avoiding?

-A drawer you dread opening?

-Have you transitioned from one stage to another (new baby, a move, kids off to college, etc.) and needing to reevaluate how a space should be used?


We organize kitchens, closets, cabinets, garages, home offices, storage areas, and all the spaces in between!  Your day-to-day life will run smoother with less stress and more productivity, joy, and time for family and friends.  Your spaces will function better; highlighting the beauty of your home rather than the clutter.  





An hour-long assessment to identify your organizing challenges and goals, and results with a custom strategy to transform your space. We schedule 4-hour sessions to work at a pace that works for you and your schedule. 


Luxury Hands-On Organizing

Sessions Include:

  •  Team of organizers

  •  1-hour consultation in home to discuss the details of the project

  • Time spent in 4-hour sessions organizing in your home

  • Any additional time spent shopping for supplies

  • Custom labels

  • Taking items to donate or consign after your session

  • Email or phone communication up to two weeks following session



Small space (4hrs) $500

This is recommended for a small space that needs little editing with a focus on implementing products and labels

One room starting at $1200*  

Multi-room starting at $2400*

Whole home starting at $4500*

 *these prices include team of organizers over multiple days and custom quote determined after in-home consultation


Frequently Asked Questions

Every professional organizer has a different process and here's a little insight into mine...

Why a team of organizers?

Organizing can make your space look worse before it gets better! We must pull everything out and sort.   Multiple organizers during this process is most efficient, leaving your space less chaotic in-between sessions.

Does the client have to be there?

Every space involves an “edit” phase where the clutter that has accumulated over time needs to be evaluated to determine if it should remain.  We work with the client’s schedule and can work side-by-side during the editing phase or the client can be available in the house to answer questions. A client can be given “homework” for between sessions to move the process forward.  The client's ease of decision-making and timeliness contributes to the pace at which the process is completed.

How do I get organizing products (bins, baskets, drawer dividers, etc)?

Organizing products are not included in the session fee. Every space is different and some more product intense than others. As a general rule, product cost runs at a 1:1 ratio with the session cost. So, if your session is $500, we estimate a $500 product retainer fee. You provide the retainer for product cost and I reimburse any un-used funds at end of project. My time sourcing your products is included in your session fee. I do my best to source products locally to move the project along quickly (At Home, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Target to name a few). Occasionally your space may require an out of stock or better fitting product at which we would order from The Container Store or other online source.

What kind of labels do you use?

I am a firm believer in labels! Even for a space only used by one person, it is far better maintained if you are held accountable by a label. Labels are a game-changer with families. No one has an excuse when everything has a home and is labelled to reinforce it. I provide custom labels done with style that elevate the look and function of the space.

Do you have a cancellation fee?

I am raising two young boys and know life is unpredictable! I try to extend plenty of grace to my clients and hope for the same in return. I ask for a 24-48 hr notice when possible.  After 2 consecutive cancellations there will be a $250 inconvenience fee charged.

I Want to Hear From You

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Follow me on Instagram @OrganizedByCheryl
for before & after photos and tips!

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